Christian Jacob also specified at the end of the Party Strategic Committee that LR deputies will be able to be “responsible”, voting on a case -by -case basis the texts that will go in their direction. An “untenable” position, according to Jean-François Copé.
Who would have believed just a few weeks ago that the possible stability of the National Assembly would rest in the hands of the Les Républicains (LR) party? Who could have foreseen that this political family who never stops dying for years now would be found, after the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, the keystone of an absolute majority? It is still a little struck by this new position which is theirs, the head full of the contours of this situation, that the party executives found themselves on Monday June 20 at the headquarters, in the 15 e Paris district, for a strategic committee for the big days. “We are in a historic moment,” said his comrades the mayor of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), Jean-François Copé, at the end of a meeting that lasted a little more than two hours.
Historical, the moment is. At the crossroads, the right -wing formation can, depending on its next decisions, survive this new deal in the National Assembly or are slowly forgetting. She can try to mark the next five years in order to bring out a personality who could bring it to the next presidential election, or then continue to tear up on a number of subjects and end up died out.
Monday, by majority, executives who came in number for the occasion decided that survival would not go through an alliance of government with the (relative) majority. Confirming the door already closed by Christian Jacob, the party leader, on Sunday evening. At LR, we want to be clear: Emmanuel Macron will have to manage without the right. “No question of a pact or coalition or an agreement of any kind whatsoever,” reaffirmed Mr. Jacob after the strategic committee. The Party President still specifies that LR and its 61 deputies will be “responsible”, voting on a case -by -case basis the texts which will go in the direction of their convictions and making proposals in particular on important subjects such as purchasing power.
“No combination but no blockage”
“Our position: no combination to negotiate small places. But no blockage: the country will be very fractured, it will discover the far left, the French will seek hopes, we must be up to the expectations and being, between extremes and a lost macronist party, a benchmark for the French who are very worried, “said Laurent Wauquiez, the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, a territory which now has the largest contingent of ‘Elected LR in the National Assembly. In this regard, the opinion of the one who presided over the party himself and left him after the defeat to the European in 2019, was particularly expected. Some anticipating him a desire to see the group at the Palais-Bourbon embody a frontal and without nuance opposition.
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