The host had decided to stop his former talk show “we are not lying” and to call on another producer to create a program launched in September on France 2, “we are live”.
Le Monde with AFP
The rupture is consumed. The host Laurent Ruquier was sentenced by the Paris Commercial Court to pay nearly a million euros in damages to its historic producer Catherine BARMA, according to information from Télérama , confirmed Tuesday June 21 at the agency France-Presse (AFP) by concordant sources.
The host and Catherine Barma who produced for fourteen years “We are not lying” (ONPC), the former talk show of Laurent Ruquier, created in 2006 and broadcast until 2020 on France 2, And several other programs with the host (“we tried everything”, “we only ask to laugh at it”, etc.) formed a powerful tandem of the small screen for twenty years, before separating with a crash. The presenter had decided to stop ONPC and use another producer, Philippe Thuillier (who already produced the TV declination of “Big Têtes”), to create a program launched in September on France 2, “We are live”.
Justice seized in the spring of 2021
Laurent Ruquier was finally condemned to pay 780,340 euros to M me barma to compensate for the loss of margin suffered by his production company “due to the insufficiency of the notice of rupture” and 219,375 euros “in compensation for economic dismissals caused by the brutality of the rupture”, according to the judgment pronounced on Monday that AFP could consult. The animator intends to appeal this decision, confirmed to AFP M e Céline Astolfe, Laurent Ruquier’s lawyer.
After having inveted himself by media interposed after their professional rupture, the host and his ex-production had ended up justice in the spring of 2021. Laurent Ruquier had seized the first the Commercial Court of Paris, claiming from Catherine Barma more than 300,000 euros, a sum he considered it to come back as an old co -producer of ONPC.
For his part, Catherine Barma, who had claimed in vain that Laurent Ruquier shares the costs generated by the Talk-show judgment (an event which forced his production company to dismiss around thirty people), replied before the same court for “sudden rupture” of their commercial relationship.