The Head of State started political talks by receiving at the Elysée, one after the other, the representatives of the forces present in the National Assembly. On the right, LR confirmed its refusal of an alliance.
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Emmanuel Macron had used the planets to line up before him. But at the start of a second five -year term, nothing goes as planned. After a re -election without a plume, where the audacity of the Head of State seems to have given way to doubt, the tenant of the Elysée begins his second mandate as a way of the cross, laborious, imprecise and sown with tests.
The first obstacle to overcome, after its failure in the legislative elections, Sunday, June 19, consists in snatching a majority from the National Assembly. To achieve this the President of the Republic, who had promised during a recent council of ministers to abandon his panoply of “Jupiter” for that of Héphaïstos, the god of the forge, sets out to work. Alone.
In the next day of the parliamentary election which only offered a very relative majority of the presidential camp, Emmanuel Macron started the talks by receiving at the Elysée, one after the other, the representatives of the great political forces.
After Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party (PS) and Christian Jacob, boss of the Les Républicains Party (LR), came the tour of François Bayrou, his ally at the head of the MoDem, of Stanislas Guérini, general delegate From the Presidential Party La République en Marche (LRM), by Marine Le Pen, for the National Rally (RN), and finally by Fabien Roussel, for the Communist Party (PCF). A marathon interrupted by the visit of the secretary general of NATO, Jens Soltenberg.
Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron was to welcome an ally, Edouard Phillipe, his former Prime Minister, today at the head of the Horizons party, as well as Julien Bayou, representative of Europe Ecologie-les Green, and, finally, the representatives of rebellious France (LFI), Mathilde Panot and Adrien Quatennens. Jean-Luc Mélenchon gradually erased in favor of his young guard.
Three scenarios
The challenge for Emmanuel Macron is to identify a little more than forty “constructive” deputies likely to vote the texts presented by the government. A “outstretched hand”, one explains at the Elysée to call on the responsibility of the parties, in the name of the higher interest of the nation, in order to avoid blocking the country. A dramatization which has become customary at the top of the state.
After the confusion linked to the remarks made Monday by the deputy (LRM) of the Hauts-de-Seine, Céline Calvez, affirming “when we need to have a majority and if it is good for the French, we go Going to seek these voices [those of the RN] “and those of the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti suggesting that the presidential majority could” move forward “with the formation of the far right, red lines have been traced: Out of the question to seal a government agreement or a pact with the party of Marine Le Pen or with LFI, two training courses vehemently during these legislative elections.
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