The deputies did not receive an official voting instruction from the President of the Republic, which was not the case during the previous five -year term.
Le Monde
With the disappearance of the pillars of the present majority in the National Assembly, from Richard Ferrand to Christophe Castaner, and the weakening due to the loss of the absolute majority, macronist deputies are looking for successors in key posts of the Palais-Bourbon.
Wednesday, June 22, at the end of the afternoon, will take place a vote for the perch between the partners of the majority. The holder’s election must be confirmed the following week in the hemicycle, during a secret ballot of all deputies.
five candidates
Among the candidates La République en Marche (LRM, renamed Renaissance) to the presidency of the National Assembly are:
- Yaël Braun-Pivet, current Minister of Overseas and ex-president of the Law Commission at the Palais-Bourbon. The deputy of the Yvelines had already wished to apply for the perch in 2018, before going back to the benefit of Richard Ferrand, supported by the Elysée;
- Roland Lescure, outgoing president of the Economic Affairs Committee. “The urgency is to act by trying to bring together a majority, and of course it will not be simple,” he said on Franceinfo, believing that “[the voter] gave a message Very clear: “I want Emmanuel Macron to governing, I want him to do it with a relative majority, I want you to hear yourself together, the republican forces, to get us out of the crisis in which we are” “;
- Barbara Pompili, former Minister of Ecological Transition. “We are at a time when it will be difficult to bring together majorities”, so “we need someone able to reach out to everyone,” she said to the France- Press;
- Joël Giraud, Secretary of State responsible for rurality and then Minister of Territorial Cohesion in the government of Jean Castex and former budget rapporteur. “The composition of our assembly obliges us. The search for compromise must be our priority to advance France and ecological, social and economic reforms for which Emmanuel Macron has been elected”, he told RMC ;
- Eric Woerth, former minister under Nicolas Sarkozy who has since joined Emmanuel Macron. “I am a candidate for the presidency of the National Assembly, he said. Richard Ferrand had the vocation to continue the work that was his perch. Unfortunately, he was not re-elected and I wish Tribute to his work and place myself in the continuity of his action, “said former chairman of the finance committee A>.
The deputies did not receive an official voting instruction from the President of the Republic, which was not the case during the previous five-year term.
Many other strategic functions at the Palais-Bourbon have lost their holder: the two quaestors of the majority (deputies responsible for the management of the institution) Florian Bachelier and Laurianne Rossi, the president of the defense committee Françoise Dumas , as well as the general rapporteur of the budget Laurent Saint-Martin.