Teachers do not always understand the proposals made to their students and find themselves in difficulty to help them.
They scrutinize the results of their students, their progress on the waiting lists. They assess the chances of each other to integrate such training by analyzing the rank of the last admitted to the previous session. In a few years, the main teachers of high school students have become Experts from Parcoursup. The jargon of the admission platform in higher education, its calendar, its different phases no longer have many secrets for them, and yet they have not yet pierced all the mysteries. Why, on the eve of the opening of the complementary phase, students in a class have almost all received at least one proposal, while in another, almost a quarter is still on hold? Teachers do not understand it, while at national level more than 86 % of candidates have already received an admission proposal, according to ministerial statistics.
If “logic” is respected in most cases, the main teachers all notice “anomalies” between the proposals that some candidates receive and their profile or their level. These teachers even speak of “aberrations” when they come to compare the results of different high school students. The examples are legion. Jérôme Derancourt, professor of mathematics near Lyon, does not manage to seize the differences in the situation between two of his students who wish to integrate the same license of Staps. “One was taken from the first day and the other is still very far on the waiting list. However, the second has the BAFA and practices a sport at the regional level,” says the teacher.
Anne Bey, professor of mathematics in Montpellier, is surprised by the fate of this “exceptional student in science” who is still accepted in any preparatory class while other less brilliant students are. The teacher scaffolding hypotheses: “The notes in French seem to weigh to decide between the candidates, even for scientific training.”
Hervé Lacrampe also wonders. The teacher of history-geography at the Jean-Macé high school, in Niort, accompanies a high school student who made a one year break to take a world tour by bike. “Last year, he was caught in two law licenses out of the six to which he had applied. This year, he is accepted everywhere with the same wishes,” he notes, Dubitative.
Lack of transparency
Can criteria evolve from year to year? Again, teachers get lost in conjectures. “With the inflation of notes, motivation letters or extra-curricular activities seem to gain importance,” says Servanne Marzin, professor of history-geography in the Créteil Academy. One of his students, with a “not particularly stunning” file, but a very worked motivated training project, was admitted to the school of architecture.
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