The arrival of 302 new deputies, mainly from the ranks of RN and LFI, rejuvenates the institution. The share of middle classes progresses.
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Analysis. They are 302 to embody the change in the National Assembly, 302 new entrants out of 577, or 52 % of primary deputies: a “tsunami”, according to Jordan Bardella, whose political training, the National Rally (RN), sees his Troops multiplied by eleven, going from 8 to 89 deputies, or 94 % of newcomers. With the mass entry of representatives of the RN and the new Ecological and Social People’s Popular Union (Nuts), the Assembly has been experiencing an important renewal since Sunday, situating the 2022 election at the level of past legislative elections, marked by an important ” clearing “, as in 1993 with the return of the right or in 1997 with the surprise victory of the plural left.
We certainly remain far from the three-quarters of primary deputies of 2017, an unprecedented score since the start of the V e Republic. But the rate of 52 % situates the assembly beyond the average of the V e Republic (44 % from 1962 to 2012) and at the renewal levels usually observed in our European neighbors (between a third and 40 %). This situation is explained both by the underperformance of part of the outgoing outgoing !, The presidential coalition – and of the Les Républicains party to a lesser extent – and by the success of marginal political forces during the previous legislature : RN, but also rebellious France (LFI).
What the Cuvée 2022 does not manage to equal in number compared to 2017, it outperforms it in the very structure of the transformations in the course of parliamentary staff. The renewal manifests itself spectacularly through the massive entry of young people into the assembly: more than a quarter of the deputies are under the age of 40. The average age of elected officials on Sunday is 48.5 years. It is almost a year less, on average, in 2017 and seven years less than in 2007. Now, French deputies are much younger than their European counterparts (around 53 years on average), while the situation was inverse for a long time.
elected workers
This rejuvenation affects all the benches of the opposition, with the exception of LR. At the RN, the average age is 46 years, and 37 % of elected officials are under 40. The choice of young candidates is partly due to the fact that this party does not have a pool provided with elected local executives and that, very often, the leaders of the RN have invested local activists without really believing in their chances of election. The overall elected officials !, 50 years on average, are slightly older than the rest of the deputies, which is after all logical given the high proportion of re -elected outgoing (63 % within the group).
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