The invention of Claude Grison makes it possible to displease mining floors from metal eaten plants.
Le Monde with AFP
Two French women, the chemist Claude Grison and the immunologist Elodie Belnoue, as well as the Swiss engineer Madiha Derouazi received, Tuesday, June 21, the prize for the best inventor 2022 awarded by the European Patent Office (OEB).
Claude Grison (CNRS) has been rewarded in the “Research” category for his work on plant eco -analyzers made from invasive plants, allowing mining soils to be cleared thanks to metal -eating plants and create new molecules chemicals.
Elodie Belnoue, former doctoral student in immunology at Bichat Hospital in Paris and now research director of the Swiss company Amal Therapeutics (Boehringer Ingelheim), was awarded in the PME category for the development with her Swiss teammate , engineer in biotechnology, Madiha Derouazi of a new medical platform to make therapeutic vaccines against different types of cancer.