The opposition of families to the donation of organs of dead relatives is up, while more than 20,000 people in France are awaiting a graft.
After a drop in organ transplant activity of 25 % in 2020, due to the COVVI -19 pandemic, the activity started up in 2021, with 5,276 transplants made – an increase 19.3 % compared to the previous year -, according to the Biomedicine Agency (ABM). Positive point, the transplants are up 4.2 % from January to June 2022 compared to the same period the previous year, but the delay was not caught up compared to the years 2018 and 2019.
This is one of the challenges of day National reflection on organ donation and transplant and recognition to donors , Wednesday, June 22. A day that also aims to pay tribute to the donors. More than 66,000 people live thanks to an organ grafted in France.
“We are all alleged donors, the needs are not entirely covered,” said Emmanuelle Cortot-Boucher, director general of the ABM, during a press conference on June 15 in Paris. No less than 20,774 recipients are registered in the waiting list for a transplant at 1 er June 2022. “The transplant is an unparalleled therapy today, in particular to treat chronic kidney failure. Even when there is a substitute treatment, such as dialysis, such as insulin injections for pancreatic pathologies, transplant remains a better treatment for the patient, “continues Emmanuelle Cortot-Boucher. Renal transplants represent approximately 60 %of transplants, those of the liver 25 %, and those of the heart 8 %.
an opposition rate that increases
The ABM relaunches a campaign to encourage to talk about it with the family. Despite communication campaigns, only 31 % of French people say they are well informed on donation. The law says that we are all alleged donors of organs and tissues, unless we have expressed our refusal during our lifetime, being registered in the national refusal register or having informed loved ones.
A message all the more important since the opposition rate increases. It increased from 30 % in 2019 to 34.2 % in the first months of 2022, explains the ABM, with strong regional disparities. In 2021, there were about 20 % opposition in the Pays de la Loire or in Brittany, 46.3 % in Ile-de-France or 43.3 % in Lorraine. If the reasons are often multiple, “this extremely high refusal rate is related to the pandemic”: “Some tell us:” The company has given us nothing, we will not give anything “”, decrypt France Roussin, nurse coordinator of Organ sample for Saint-Louis and Lariboisière hospitals (AP-HP).
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