Europe Ecologie-les Verts, the Socialist Party and the Communist Party rejected the hypothesis issued by the leader of Insoumise France, who sees it as “an element of clarification in the chaos which advances” after the second round legislative elections.
Le Monde with AFP
The Nuts has four parties, but how many parliamentary groups have? While the initial project of the new Ecological and Social People’s Popular Union has always consisted in ensuring, after the legislative elections, a group to each of the parties that compose it (La France Insoumise, Europe Ecologie-les Verts, Socialist Party and Communist Party), Jean-Luc Mélenchon proposed, Monday, June 20, that all the deputies elected under the label of the Alliance on the left constitute a single parliamentary group.
The cause of this change of position? “The defeated, Mr. Macron, embarked on a general soliciting operation which leaves us very worried,” he said to journalists, referring to the recent declarations by Marc Fesneau and Olivia Grégoire, two ministers of the ministers Borne government. For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “they are ready to install the National Front at the Finance Committee”. The chairmanship of this important assembly commission traditionally falls to the opposition. However, at this stage, if we divide the deputies of the Nutples between the four parties that compose it, it is the national gathering of Marine Le Pen which has the greatest number of elected officials.
For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, this unique group idea of the left is “an element of clarification in chaos that advances. It is not an injunction, but a proposal,” he said . “This does not prevent each party from having a delegation. But that, symbolically and politically, we declared the clip as a political group in the National Assembly,” he added. “I do not propose fusion, there are distinct identities, but there is a need to be in a combination of combination and, for that, you have to have a single group in the assembly”, finally, estimated M. Mélenchon.
“The left is plural”
Very quickly after this declaration, the three partners of Insoumise France rejected such a hypothesis. The Socialist Party, Europe Ecologie-les Verts and the French Communist Party reminded the Agency France-Presse that the coalition agreement signed in early May provides distinct groups.
“There has never been a question of a single group. There will be a socialist group in the National Assembly,” said Pierre Jouvet, spokesperson for the PS. A little earlier, the president of the group of socialist and related deputies, Valérie Rabault, had already closed the door to such a hypothesis. “The left is plural, it is represented in its diversity in the National Assembly. It is a force in the service of the French people. Wanting to delete this diversity is a mistake, and I oppose it”, A tweeted the deputy of Tarn-et-garonne . “No question of blending into a single group,” reacted the spokesperson for EELV Alain Coulombel. “We are favorable to an intergroup, but not a common group,” also underlined a relative of the communist leader Fabien Roussel.
At the National Assembly, Raquel Garrido, elected on Sunday against the leader of the Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI), Jean-Christophe Lagarde, for her part, congratulated the proposal of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “The Assembly is a place of deliberation and it is our way of operating at the Nuts,” she explained, believing that it will be necessary to implement it permanently “.