Legislative 2022: video summary and second round results

Reverse video for Emmanuel Macron, the left -up alliance first opposition force, historical score for the extreme right: the results of the legislative elections rebuild the cards of politics in the country.

by and (with Reuters)

Emmanuel Macron will not have an absolute majority in the National Assembly. The “Together!” Coalition only obtained 246 seats out of 577: the smallest relative majority in the Fifth Republic. Results that raise the question of Emmanuel Macron’s ability to be able to govern the country and have the promised reforms vote, in particular that of pensions.

The left alliance under the banner of the Nuts (LFI, PS, EELV and PCF) managed to become the first opposition force to the National Assembly with 142 seats. Behind her, the National Rally produces a historic score during legislative elections: 89 seats. In 2017, the National Front had only obtained eight deputies.

As in the first round, more than one in two voters shunned the polls in the second round. Abstention has further increased between 53.5 % and 54 %, compared to the first round. But it did not break the 2017 record (57.36 %). She nevertheless reaches her second highest level for this ballot.

/Media reports.