The ecofeminist managed to confirm his first place obtained in the first round, Sunday June 12.
Le Monde
She is an eco -feminist who will enter the National Assembly. Sandrine Rousseau, the former candidate for the environmental primary for the presidential election announced her election in the 9th district of Paris, Sunday, June 19, bringing together 57.9 % of the votes. In this constituency which includes part of the 13
The Lille can savor its victory, obtained at the price of many fights. First excluded from the presidential campaign of Yannick Jadot following repeated criticisms in his place, M Me Rousseau had also been ousted from the agreement of the new Ecological and Social People’s Union (NUPES) Then reintegrated. This about-face had cost Claire Monod its place. The ex-Ile-de-depth regional adviser ecologist claimed a long-standing local establishment.
Regarding the candidacy of Sandrine Rousseau in the 9
district of Paris, “I do not understand the adventure”, Me monod, in March, at Liberation , wondering about the parachuting of her competitor: “Why did you choose a constituency in which there was already a woman in the race? She [Sandrine Rousseau] The really plays the old fashioned. His only goal is to have power in her hands. “The interested party claimed new Parisian ties linked to the schooling of her children and to her husband’s work. with Marianne , Claire Monod had gone until accusing M me rousseau of “ecopopulism”, bearing a “simplifying speech” with a “Base of faithful”.
Then, in the first round, Sandrine Rousseau had to fight against … Sandrine Rousseau. The Rurality Movement (LMR), formerly named hunting, fishing, nature and traditions had, in fact, invested the homonym of the new ecologist. That two Sandrine Rousseau find themselves in competition had nothing to chance, had recognized among the world Jérôme Juvigny, president LMR of Cantal, who had said to see “a way of marking our ideological difference with punitive ecology or the opposition Between men and women “. The Sandrine Rousseau environmentalist had denounced “fascinating methods” aimed at “silence”.
After all these won struggles, the ecofeminist arrives at the hemicyle with the desire to move the lines, even if it means clever. During the ecological primary, in September 2021, she addressed Anne Hidalgo and Jean-Luc Mélenchon in an interview with the site Reporterre . “We need an ecological, social radicality, are you ready to follow me?” For her, there is no longer any question of waiting to reverse the greenhouse gas emission curve and , in March, she had notably proposed to create an offense of non-share of domestic tasks .