Semiconductors: an agreement reached at Soitec to get out of strike

After more than a week of strike on its Bernin site, near Grenoble, the management agreed to revalue the profit-sharing bonus of the employees of the semiconductor specialist.


Economic success and social peace do not go hand in hand. Soitec, one of the French champions of semiconductors experiences it. The Grenoble region has just revealed exceptional results. On June 8, the company announced an annual turnover exceeding for the first time a billion dollars (863 million euros, up 50 % at constant exchange rates compared to 2020-2021). Which does not prevent him from being plunged into turmoil.

Since June 10, a strike movement, described as “spontaneous” by the CGT union, disrupts its activities on this site which has around 1,500 employees. It was initiated by the teams working on weekends and night. According to Fabrice Lallement, delegate of the CGT Soitec, around 330 employees have stopped work, almost completely stopping production chains.

Friday, June 17, by a short majority (52 %), an agreement was reached to get out of the crisis. Management has made an increase in profit -sharing (+20 %) and the number of free shares allocated to employees. A gesture was also made to mitigate the cost of mobilization for strikers. Finally, exchange cells will be set up regularly to improve social dialogue.

break with frames

Read the union’s press releases, a breakup took place between the executives of the company, around sixty people, and the employees. To the point of denouncing the “force -feeding” of the leaders. According to the Soitec annual report, Paul Boudre, the director general of the company, received nearly 2.5 million euros in the last year 2020-2021, between his fixed salary (550,000 euros), the shares that It receives each year (equivalent 1.2 million euros in 2021), and its performance premiums. The previous year, its emoluments approached 4 million euros.

This strike is struck another news from the company, its governance crisis which saw its director general, Paul Boudre, see the renewal of his mandate refused by the board of directors for the benefit of Pierre Barnabé, former boss of The Big Data and Security Division of the ATOS IT group, which must replace it in July.

The dialogue between management and unions has been seized for many months and has already been marked by employees’ debraying a year ago. “At the time the management minimized anger,” deplores Mr. Lallement. If the first claim of the CGT focuses above all on the issue of remuneration, it ensures that it is also a question of taking into account working conditions on a site that runs 24 hours a day.

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/Media reports.