The first week of Defense argument ended on Friday. While waiting for lawyers for the main accused, those of “little hands” insisted: the magnitude of the trial and the facts judged should not lead to go beyond the rule of law.
This trial is historic, but it is only a trial. At the opening of the debates, on September 8, 2021, the president of the court Jean-Louis Périès had stressed that this hearing “out of norme”, given its magnitude and the facts judged, should not be freed from ” Respect for the standard, in clear, the application of the criminal procedure and the rights of each “. In case his own introductory promise had come out of his head, a few days before the verdict, the defense lawyers were responsible for reminding her.
Fifteen of them pleaded from Monday, June 13 to Friday, June 13, mainly in defense of those that the National Anti-terrorist Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT) described as “little hands” of November 13. Lawyers of the five accused against whom the perpetuity was required will plead next week, after which the magistrates of the Assize Court specially composed of Paris will only have to withdraw for three days to shape their decision. We already know that they will take this defense wish in their deliberation, summarized by the last words of Léa Dordilly, lawyer for Adel Haddadi, pronounced on Wednesday: “I just ask you to do as usual.”
It was a red thread of the week. Karim Laouafi, in defense of Muhammad Usman, claimed “the ordinary application of our ordinary rules”, while Fanny Vial, lawyer of Farid Kharkhach, emitted the wish of a “strict application of the criminal law, as in n ‘ No matter what other trial, even if we are not in any trial “.
” You will not enter the story “
The fear had settled that the audience is not overflowing from her frame, recalled Marie Dosé, the first to get up to plead on Monday, in defense of Ali Oulkadi: “We were afraid that after months of heartbreaking testimonies of the victims, this trial is not lost in other spheres than the judicial sphere, fear of a misguided judicial scene where the therapeutic purpose would prevail. “” The ambition of this trial, the expected catharsis, The response to the words pronounced by the Islamic State against us cannot elude the intangible principles of criminal procedure, completed Ménya Arab-Tigrine, lawyer for Ali El Haddad Asufi on Friday, against whom sixteen years were required. Asks you to resist the human desire not to do just to judge but to avenge. “
Resist, too, the urge to go beyond the function of judges. “It is not up to you to make the final and historical judgment on what jihadism is and how to fight it,” pleaded Martin Méchin, another lawyer for Ali El Haddad Asufi, who asked the court of ” Return to the task of “his client. “It is not a historical, philosophical or moral requirement. This is simply what is asked for you by the Code of Criminal Procedure. I am sorry to tell you, but you will not enter history. The outcome of this verdict, you will have simply done justice as do hundreds of jurisdictions in France. “
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