The candidate together! Denounces “a world” in which reigns “too many pretenses, insincerity, personal calculations to the detriment, very often, of the general interest”, without specifying its accusations.
Le Monde with AFP
Marie-Luce Penchard, former Minister of Overseas of Nicolas Sarkozy and candidate for the legislative elections of the 4th district of Guadeloupe supported by the presidential party, announced Tuesday, June 14, withdraw his candidacy for the second round.
Arrival second Sunday, the daughter of Lucette Michaux-Chevry, herself Minister of Jacques Chirac, justifies her abandonment: “For those who would see a lack of courage and an admission of weakness, I say in all humility that C ‘is, on the contrary, proof of political maturity and realism in this world where too many pretenses, insincerity, personal calculations at the expense, very often, of the general interest. “
Before adding: “To want to persist in this way, we participate in aggravating this rupture of trust between the citizen and the policy by strengthening the ranks of the abstentionists. I will be led to explain myself longer on my political choices the moment come. “
This surprise withdrawal should de facto lead to the victory of its competitor, Elie Califer, mayor of the town of Saint-Claude and PS candidate. He had collected 38.61 % of the votes in the first round, against 19.88 % for Ms. Penchard. The local PS castigated the withdrawal of Marie-Luce Penchard as “a harmful blow for democracy”, depriving the voters “of the confrontation of ideas to which they were entitled”.