A report by the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Labor Safety and Labor (ANSES) highly likely judges the introduction of the beetle in France. Capable of flying and moving on all types of surface, it is already present in Switzerland and Italy.
Very similar to horticultural haneton – another devastating well known to European gardeners -, the Japanese beetle is distinguished by its metallic green chest and the fucked bulls of white silk which spend its flanks and its abdomen. This elegant beetle worries the French authorities because its entry into France is highly likely, warned the National Agency for Food, Environment and Work (ANSES) in its Risk assessment report linked to this unwanted host , Posted Monday June 13.
or, this popillia japonica (of its scientific name) has the status of quarantine organism priority of the European Union because it can threaten more than 400 plant species. From cultures (soy, corn, beans, asparagus) to fruit trees (plum, apple trees, vineyards, red fruits), passing through forestry trees (oaks, beech, plane trees, poplars), lawn and roses: its appetite is also vast that its tastes. Even to devour plants from top to bottom, hordes of Japanese beetles sometimes leave leaves only a skeleton of ribs. Its larvae, on the other hand, attack the roots, until they cause the death of plants and loss of yields.
conducive establishment conditions
Already present in Italy since 2014 and Switzerland since 2017, the species is close to the borders. A little less than a year ago, an isolated individual was detected in the Swiss region of Basel as well as in Sardinia. Capable of disseminating itself on tens of kilometers per year and very active between 21 and 35 ° C, it could get closer quickly by flying. But the Japanese beetle is also an informed “hitchhiker”. It was thus reported in November 2021 in the west of Germany where it would have arrived … by train. After Japan in North America via the Atlantic coast at the beginning of the twentieth century, it was in the car of a tourist that he was also spotted for the first time in Canada. Equally follower of air traffic, he has been able to make his way in the globalization of exchanges.
“His predilection surfaces remain high plants but he can travel on any medium, we even found them on computer parts, details Christine Tayeh, coordinator of the expertise of ANSES. The international transport remains one of its most important entry sectors in countries. “It can also survive up to five days without food and without water.
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