The lawyer for the International Football Federation asked on Thursday that 2,229 million Swiss francs be returned to the organization in the alleged disloyal payment case made, in 2011, to Michel Platini by Sepp Blatter.
Since the start of their trial, Michel Platini and Sepp Blatter have chosen not to answer questions from the lawyer for the International Football Federation (FIFA), civil party in this case. The Courroux of the FIFA Council fell on Thursday, June 16, on the defendants, in the large courtroom of the Swiss Federal Criminal Tribunal (TPF) in Bellinzone.
In the absence of the former French president of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), exempt from attending the debates, Me Catherine Hohl-Chirazi asked, during her pleading, that 2.29 million Swiss francs “diverted by defendants” are returned to FIFA.
This amount has already been seized by the public prosecutor of the Confederation (MPC) on the account of Mr. Platini, returned to the TPF with Sepp Blatter for “suspicions of scam, unfair management, breach of trust and false in The titles “in the alleged disloyal payment case of 2 million Swiss francs (1.9 million euros) made, in February 2011, to the former player by the former president of FIFA.
During his presentation of more than four hours, Me Hohl-Chirazi did not hold his blows. She immediately assured that the “FIFA, as a legal person, does not accept that her ex-president and her former vice-president abused their position to take 2 million” while, according to her, the Federation had, in 2011, “no debt to Mr. Platini.”
Like the prosecutor Thomas Hildbrand, the day before, she dismantled the “invented thesis” by the defendants: that of the wages of wages under an alleged oral agreement that the latter would have sealed in 1998, fixing French remuneration at 1 million annual Swiss francs as advisor to Mr. Blatter.
Using the chronology of events, Me Hohl-Chirazi stressed that “only one contract of Mr. Platini as advisor to President Blatter”: an agreement signed by the two men on August 25, 1999 , with a salary of 300,000 Swiss annual francs. 2> “Mr. Platini wants his share of the cake”
She recalled that FIFA had “paid all of Mr. Platini’s invoices on June 30, 2002” and that Mr. Blatter added to the French, in a letter of September 2002, that “the written convention of 1999 is obsolete “. According to Me Hohl-Chirazi, it is on February 24, 2010 that MM. Platini and Blatter would have started to “negotiate” the amount of a payment made to the French to “personal and electoral ends”.
For FIFA lawyer, this payment was made in the context of the election to the presidency of FIFA, in June 2011, during which Mr. Blatter was re -elected for a fourth term with support UEFA. At the time, Valaisan had promised Mr. Platini, eager to run for his succession, that it would be his “last mandate”.
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