Despite the access extended to the vote by proxy, difficulties have been noted for the vote of the French from abroad.
The Constitutional Council observes, in its decision made public Thursday, June 16, that, “despite the particular context induced by the health crisis and the war in Ukraine”, the presidential election of April 10 and 24 was Taken “in good conditions”. However, it issues a number of proposals to improve its operation.
First of all, concerning the full advertisement of the sponsorships of the elected officials requested by the candidates, in view of the quantified assessment – 13,672 presentations received against 14,586 in 2017 -, he wanted to “put various claims into perspective” according to which she would restrict Access to the candidacy. However, if a reform of this device should intervene, it seems to him necessary that it intervenes “as upstream as possible of the deadline of the following election, if only for reasons of feasibility of the implementation possible innovations “. The Council is also a circumspect on the electronic transmission of these sponsorships, provided for by the law of March 29, 2021, which should come into force during the next ballot, fearing the risks of computer fraud.
During this election was implemented, for the first time, a centralized management of proxies through the single electoral repertoire as well as the opening of a teleprocedure on the site. For the institution, these innovations have “helped to facilitate the establishment of proxies for users as well as for municipalities”. However, she specifies, some of them, established late, could not be taken into account by the polling stations. So it would be advisable to set a deadline.
more than ten thousand detainees voted
Once again, difficulties have been noted for the vote of the French from abroad, despite this expanded access to the vote by proxy, with sometimes, in certain countries, important queues at the entrance of consulates or polling stations. Some polling stations, due to specific situations, could not even open, as in Shanghai or on the island of Anjouan, in the Comoros. The Constitutional Council calls on the government to consider terms to guarantee the right to vote for all voters. He also considers it necessary to undertake without delay “a modernization of the digital tools on which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is based to ensure, in relation to the Ministry of the Interior, the census of this vote in good conditions”. Once again, during the first round, the results for the French abroad were only communicated the day after the ballot.
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