Three days before the legislative elections, the decision allows the candidate La République en Marche de la Rédéné, Benjamin Haddad, to present himself as a future effective elected official.
No waves three days before the legislative elections. Faced with the climbing protest, the government decided, Thursday, June 16, to freeze its project to open a medical accommodation center intended for drug addicts in Auteuil, a calm and posh district from Paris.
Benjamin Haddad, the candidate of La République en Marche (LRM) in the 14 e district of Paris, was the first to announce the news. “I was informed by the Minister of Health Brigitte Bourguignon that the center project for drug addicts in Chardon-Lagache is blocked”,
The prospect that Parisian Crack consumers and other drugs can soon be treated in Auteuil therefore clearly moves away. Under pressure, the government thus calls into question a project which he himself had initiated and considered urgent a few weeks ago.
In 2021, the ARS of Ile-de-France had established a simple observation: Paris sorely lacks structures for people in precarious situations suffering from complex health problems, in particular drug addicts. In January 2022, the government agency therefore launched a call for projects for the creation of two care centers comprising in total sixty beds. “Given immediate needs”, it is essential to use existing buildings, and to open within a maximum period of six months, then underlined the ARS.
hostile reactions of residents
Two specialized associations, Aurore and Gaïa, then get along with the Public-Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP), and submit a joint candidacy to create one of these two centers. The AP-HP precisely has free spaces in a disused wing of the Chardon-Lagache hospital. It is planned to welcome thirty-five people in great distress, volunteers, who could stay on the spot for a long time, or even end their lives.
At the start, all signals seem to be green. The project submitted by the three partners “is the subject of a unanimously favorable opinion,” said the ARS. The mayor (Les Républicains, LR) of the district, Francis Szpiner, certainly sets out his “categorical opposition”. The project “cannot reasonably establish itself in this district, in the immediate vicinity of the college-lycée Jean-Baptiste-Say, the church of Auteuil, and the Sainte-Périne hospital”, he wrote, the May 11, to the Director General of ARS, insisting on “the inevitable risks” that drug addicts will weigh in the neighborhood. But these criticisms, which have remained confidential, do not set up the public authorities. The project is “intended to be selected”, says the ARS at the end of May.
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