While the European Commission has decided that Gaz and Nuclear could accompany the ecological transition, a resolution will be subject to MEPs, in early July, to thwart this decision.
It took months to the European Commission to decide that gas and nuclear could, under certain conditions, contribute to the fight against global warming and therefore have their place in its “taxonomy” of the sustainable activities to which the Investors will be able to refer to direct private funds to activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Despite the opposition of three commissioners – a rare fact -, the community executive had finally presented, on February 2, a delegated act – the European equivalent of a decree – which endowed this choice.
Tuesday, June 14, the European Parliament proceeded to a vote which endangers this text of which each word has been weighed in Trébuchet and which neither the MEPs nor the member states, can amend: a delegated act can only ‘Be endorsed or refused. Two commissions of the Legislative Assembly – that of the environment and that of economic affairs – have, in fact, adopted a resolution, by 76 votes for, 62 against and 4 abstentions, according to which gas and nuclear cannot be considered like lasting energies.
“We need massive investments in the expansion of renewable energies, not in the energies of the past,” said Bas Eickhout, MEP of Greens, one of the instigators of the resolution which often denounced the ” Greenwashing “that taxonomy would allow. Its adoption “would contribute to depriving many resources (…) the investments necessary in the ecological and energy transition by stinging them towards activities harmful to the climate such as gas, or endangering the safety of current and future humanity with nuclear nuclear power “, bored his sister Marie Toussaint. It “would only strengthen European dependence on gas, uranium, Russian nuclear equipment and services”, judges Greenpeace, which, like many NGOs, is delighted with Tuesday’s vote.
“To a few tens of voices”
This resolution will be subject to all MEPs during the plenary session which must be held in Strasbourg between July 4 and 7. To be adopted, and thus sign the end of the delegated act of the Commission, it will have to obtain the support of an absolute majority of elected officials, that is to say 353 (out of 705) of them. “It will be played with a few dozen votes,” judges Pascal Canfin, the chairman of the environment commission which is favorable to the integration of gas and nuclear in the taxonomy of the European Union.
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