They will be about fifteen, in seventy invested, to be present in the second round, essentially overseas and in rural constituencies.
It is a mixed evening for the socialist dissidents who had decided not to appear under the banner of the new Ecological and Social People’s Union (Nuts). It is not a bitter failure: they will be a fortnight, in seventy invested, to be present in the second round of the legislative elections. Mainly overseas and in rural constituencies. It is not a triumph at all. There are unexpected failures: Xavier Perrin in Loire-Atlantique, Laurent Ughetto in Ardèche, Fatima Bellaredj in Montpellier…
Apart from Olivier Falorni in Charente-Maritime, famous for having dropped Ségolène Royal in 2012, there are not many headliners among the finalists. Laurent BAUNIE is qualified in Ariège, Bertrand Petit in Pas-de-Calais, Benjamin Saint-Huile in the North … David Habib should be elected in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques-Together !, The party of the presidential majority, did not present No candidate against him.
“Resolved opposition”
For Patrick Mennucci, member of the minority current of the Socialist Party (PS), socialist standing, who refused and voted against the alliance of the left behind Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “the result of socialist dissidents during this first round is very interesting. He shows that, if the PS had led his game out of the cloud, he would have had at least as many deputies, and perhaps more voters, those who could not resolve to vote “rebellious” . All this, without being in the hands of LFI “.
Carole Delga, president of the Occitanie region, who had taken the lead of the rebellion against the agreement signed by the management of the PS with rebellious France (LFI), reacted as soon as the first results were announced: “Next Sunday, it is imperative to block the far -right candidates by voting for the best placed candidate, whatever his label.”
The evening of the first round of the presidential election, she expressed herself very hard against Jean-Luc Mélenchon, new leader of the left, to whom she criticizes, among other things, her “communitarianism”. She had been just as scathing with the management of the PS, that she had accused of signing a “tampering” agreement at the risk of “selling” the “fundamental values” of the PS. She had then gathered the dissident movement.
She was somewhat softened, at the end of this first round: “I clearly call for the left -wing candidates against the right. Faced with the unjust projects of the President of the Republic, especially in matters of Pensions, taxation and equal opportunities, it takes resolved opposition, and at the same time build a new republican, European and ecologist left, serious and credible left project. “
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