Jean-Michel Blanquer eliminated in first round of legislative elections

Candidate in the fourth district of Loiret, the former Minister of National Education has not managed to qualify for the second round, which will take place on Sunday June 19.


It was the first time that Jean-Michel Blanquer submitted to an election by presenting himself in the 4th district of Loiret. For the former Minister of National Education, the baptism of fire will have turned short.

On the side of Montargis, in this constituency which has always voted on the right since 1958, Jean -Michel Blanquer, who spent five years at the head of a sovereign ministry – a longevity record in this post under the V E Republic -, intended to conquer the seat of the outgoing deputy Jean -Pierre Door (Les Républicains), elected since 2002, who did not stand out. During the presidential election, the candidate of the National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen, came there in the first (32 %) as in the second round (52 %).

Initially, the former rector was targeting a parachuting in the 3 e district of the Yvelines, a right of the right currently occupied by Béatrice Piron (LRM). According to a relative of the minister, the latter had agreed to become the deputy of Mr. Blanquer, who, in the event of appointment within the Borne government, would have given him his place on the benches of the National Assembly.

But January has been there. The highly criticized sanitary protocol in schools, announced from Ibiza (Spain), where he spent a vacation, then made the star of the old Chouchou de l’Elysée pale. The entourage of Jean-Michel Blanquer then goes in search of a new point of fall: it will be the 4th district of Loiret.

But even if he was finally invested by the presidential majority, competition was tough in the first round for the minister, with at least two right -wing competitors on the ranks. “It is the exiled candidate in the province of the Elysée. He has difficulty in Paris, so they try to find him a position to finish his career,” said in particular Jean-Pierre Door in early May, who supports the candidate of the Republicans , Ariel Lévy. “He should have chosen elsewhere, we will do everything to prevent him from being elected,” he warned.

/Media reports.