According to Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimates for France Télévisions, Radio France, France 24-RFI-MCD and LCP-National, the RN would arrive third (18.9 %), LR-UDI-DVD Fourth (13.7 %) and reconquest! Fifth (3.9 %).
Le Monde
No clear winner between the new Ecological and Social People’s People’s Union (Nuts) and the presidential coalition, for the moment. The union of the left of the Nuts and the presidential coalition together! are tied on the evening of the first round of the legislative elections, Sunday June 12, against a background of record abstention, thus opening the game of the second round in a week.
The clip totals 25.2 % of the votes, as well as the presidential coalition (25.2 %). According to the first Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimates for France Télévisions, Radio France, France 24-RFI-MCD and National LCP-A, the RN would arrive third (18.9 %), LR-UDI-DVD fourth (13.7 %) And reconquest! Fifth (3.9 %).
The key to the second round will once again reside in participation, historically low Sunday June 12 for a first round of legislative elections, at 52.3 %. Legislative abstention has only increased since 1993, going from 31 % that year to 51.3 % in 2017. It is among young people and the popular categories that it is the strongest.
Participation in the first round of the legislative elections reached 39.42 % Sunday at 5 p.m. in metropolitan France, according to the Ministry of the Interior, a figure down 1.3 points compared to 2017, where it was established at 40.75 %. It is also largely lower, at the same time, that of the legislative elections of 2012 (48.31 %), as well as the participation of the first round of the presidential election of 2022 (65 %).