Legislative elections 2022: On Var beaches, a family Sunday and far from ballot boxes

Eloigated by political debates and daily concerns, tourists and residents took advantage of this June 12 without being informed, for some, of the holding of an election.


Almanarre beach, in Hyères (Var), 10 hours. “Hello, we are reporting on the elections!” “Ah, is it today? You teach me,” says Pauline, a 25 -year -old specialized educator. It has a heat heat and the parking lot is already full, the day has a look at August 15. Besides her, Sylvain, a worker in public works, makes sand castles with their daughter, Lucie. The couple went down from their small town on the heights of Toulon to enjoy a Sunday “without work” and did not plan to vote.

 Sylvain, Pauline and their daughter, Lucile, on the beach of the Almanarre, in Hyères (Var), June 12, 2022. Sylvain, Pauline and their daughter, Lucile, on the Almanarre beach, in Hyères (Var), June 12, 2022. Olivier Monge/Myop for “Le Monde”

politics, “it’s not our thing”, explains the young woman. “In real life, I don’t understand anything,” she continues. “I would like to vote for the person who has the best program, but their program, it is incomprehensible.” They may have followed the debates, they do not find themselves there. Often Pauline has this unpleasant impression of a conversation which she is witnessing in spite of herself, but to which she would not be invited. “It looks like they speak for them. They all express themselves in far too technical terms, and, very quickly, it evaporates in absurd figures. Three billion is abstract for us.”

Her brothers and sisters, as well as those of her husband, do not vote either. They may have grown up in houses where we went to the polls, the specialized educator thinks that it is “generational”, that she is one of whom politics no longer speaks. The forgotten. “They tell us about Europe, the world, we, all that, we don’t care. We want to know what will happen for us, in our everyday life.” Last week, Pauline did a Full at 103 euros. For her, “it’s concrete”.

“Forget the concerns of everyday life”

On the “president of the president”, about ten kilometers away, Agnès, 63, posed her campsite chair in the water of Cabasson beach, in Bormes-les-Mimosas. It faces the Fort de Brégançon, the official vacation spot of the heads of state. But with Carmelle, her daughter-in-law, employed in the trade, who waded next to her, they almost apologize for not going to vote. Agnès, who has always been a housewife, also says “that she does not understand anything”. “I’m always afraid of being wrong, to vote for the bad candidate.” The bad? “The one who will not win.” Carmelle promises to vote in the second round. Not out of conviction, “out of civic duty”. But not today. Today is family Sunday. She does not want to think of the rents that explode on the coast, to the minimum wage which makes life like a poor today, to her 16 -year -old child who will soon seek a job. She prefers to monitor the slew of children on the sand.

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/Media reports.