The kidnapping of the girl, in April 2021, at the request her mother, was “an integral part of the violent action plan [of a] ultra -right group targeting the State and its representations,” said the Public prosecutor.
Le Monde with AFP
The Nancy prosecutor’s office announced, Thursday, June 9, that the specialized interregional jurisdiction (JIRS) divests the MIA affair for the benefit of the anti -terrorist pole of the Paris court, “in consultation with the national anti -terrorist prosecution”.
“It has, in fact, appeared (…) that these actions were an integral part of the violent action plan of the ultra -right group baptized” DW reversal “targeting the State and its representations”, specifies the prosecutor of the Republic, François Pérain, in a press release.
Little Mia, eight years at the time, lived with her grandmother in the Vosges when she had been kidnapped on April 13, 2021, by several men at the request of her mother who had No longer custody and no longer had the right to see her alone.
Daillet, suspected of being the “brain” of a group of ultra -right
The mother and the girl had been found healthy and saves five days later in a squat in Switzerland. Her mother, Lola Montemaggi, 28, had been arrested and indicted for “15 -year -old minor kidnapping in organized gang” and “subtraction of minor by ascendant outside the territory of the Republic”.
suspected of having organized the kidnapping of the girl, Rémy Daillet, a conspiratorial circles, was then indicted and implemented in mid-June in particular for “complicity in the abduction of a minor of a minor 15 years in organized gang “and” Association of criminals “. In total, eleven people were continued in this case.
Rémy Daillet, now 55, was also indicted on October 22 for “Criminal terrorist criminal association”: he is suspected of being “the brain” of a group of ultra -right projecting violent actions and a “coup” against the government.