On the third day of the ex-president of UEFA and the former FIFA boss, several witnesses were heard on Friday on the remuneration of one million annual Swiss francs including the two warned would have agreed in 1998.
How to prove an alleged oral agreement before the judges? On the third day of their trial for “suspicions of fraud, unfair management, breach of trust and false in the titles”, Michel Platini and Sepp Blatter tried, Friday, June 10, to convince the Swiss Federal Criminal Tribunal (TPF) of Bellinzone that ‘They had indeed sealed a “verbal contract” by virtue of which the ex-numéro 10 of the Blues had been promised, in 1998, by the former president of the International Football Federation (FIFA) a remuneration for one million Swiss annual francs as a technical advisor for four years (1998-2002).
The day after their hearing, MM. Blatter and Platini cited two witnesses at the helm in order to defend this thesis as part of the alleged disloyal payment case of 2 million Swiss francs (1.9 million euros) that the first made in the second, in February 2011. A qualified payment of “bullshit of wages” by the two defendants. This version was swept by the Swiss prosecution, convinced that Mr. Platini benefited from a “pecuniary advantage under a claim which did not actually exist and to which he was not entitled”.
Former personal advisor to Mr. Blatter at FIFA, Swiss Flavio Battaini said that the latter had approached Platini in 1998 to associate him with his campaign for the presidential election with FIFA. According to the witness, it was during a “meeting in Monaco, in the spring of 1998” that the negotiations around a political alliance between MM. Blatter and Platini would have intensified.
“The Platini remuneration was the subject of several discussions. Then, Mr. Blatter told me that Mr. Platini wanted one million compensation per year. I can no longer say if he m ‘went back to this million after the FIFA election. I have no indication whether an agreement was then taken or not verbally or in writing, “said Battaini.
In August 1999, the two defendants initialed a consultant contract setting the remuneration of Mr. Platini to 300,000 Swiss annual francs. According to them, due to “liquidity problems”, Mr. Blatter would then be committed to paying “later” to the French the remaining balance. 2> “I only remember the amount”
Cited to testify by Mr. Platini, the former head of the disciplinary committee of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), Peter Limacher, said, for the amount of remuneration that Mr. Blatter would have proposed, in 1998, to the former player was at the time at the heart of the conciliabules within the European Confederation.
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