The European Commission is moved by the fact that the HVE standard offers the same level of remuneration as organic, while its specifications is much less restrictive.
Put on an equal footing the organic label and high environmental value certification (HVE). This is the proposal made by the government to distribute European subsidies supposed to improve the environmental practices of French agriculture and, therefore, access the ecoregimes within the framework of the future common agricultural policy (PAC) over the period 2023-2027.
She was sharply criticized by Brussels, who asked France to review her copy – in this case the National Strategic Plan (PSN), declination of the CAP on the scale of France. In its response to the sending of the PSN, at the end of March, the Commission noted “with concern” that the HVE label would offer the same level of remuneration as organic farming, “while [its] specifications are much less restrictive” . She added: “In this context, France is asked either to postpone the inclusion of access to the ecoregime by HVE certification (…) or to suspend these options in the PSN.”
The proponents of organic farming also went up to the niche to denounce this controversial choice, as soon as its presentation, a year ago. The Ministry of Agriculture then indicated its intention to revise the conditions of access to the HVE to strengthen its credibility. The position of Brussels and a tightening calendar seem to accentuate the pressure. A plenary meeting of the National Commission for Environmental Certification responsible for discussing the subject was held on Wednesday June 8.
“HVE certification was created by the State within the framework of the Grenelle de l’Environnement, in 2007, but it remained a dead letter for a long time,” said Jean-Jacques Jarjanette, president of the HVE association, Who adds: “As part of the independent winegrowers, we have exhumed this approach, which began to prosper in the wine sector. At the time, 40 % of the members were organic. We wanted to have a certification for those who ‘would never go to organic. “Key stage, in 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture defined the logo.
But it is for about four years, while discussions on the future PAC, supposed to be more “green”, were committed, that this certification is put forward, with, as leader, the FNSA union . The HVE association has also emerged at that time. “The FNSEA estimated that this certification was easy to access and could be obtained without really changing practices,” said Cécile Claveirole, member of France Nature Environnement. Following this impetus, 19,200 farms had the HVE label at 1 er July 2021, according to the latest pointing of the Ministry of Agriculture.
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