The first French group of private retirement homes is in turn prosecuted for facts of mistreatment against residents.
After Orpea, it’s Korian’s turn to be targeted for mistreatment. Thirty complaints of families of residents or patients were addressed to justice on Wednesday June 8-as revealed Le Parisien -against the first French group of private commercial retirement homes. On the initiative of this group legal action, Sarah Saldmann, lawyer at the Paris bar, continues her crusade first launched against Orpea. On April 4, barely more than two months after the revelations of the book by Victor Castanet, the gravediggers (Fayard, 388 pages, 22.90 euros), on the excesses of number two in the sector, the lawyer had deposited eighty Complaints against the company at the Nanterre prosecution.
The facts that motivate the referral to justice against Korian and Orpea took place both in accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD) and in clinics managed by the two companies.
Complaints against Korian emanate from eighteen families and cover the period 2016-2022. They were deposited against X, for acts of “endangering the life of others”, “non-assistance to person in danger” or “manslaughter”, and sent to several parquets (Aix-en -Provence, Bobigny, Bourges, Le Mans, Marseille, Nantes, Niort, Paris, Pau and Versailles).
For M e saldmann, korian, orpea: same fight. “The alleged facts” are identical, according to the lawyer: dehydration, undernutrition, bad management of the tuns, accidental falls, lack of humanity of caregivers, for lack of time … One of the complaints against Korian is motivated by a catch Lately in charge of a stroke that turned out to be “fatal”, according to her.
“never showered”
Questioned, Wednesday, by Le Monde in order to collect testimonies from complainants, the lawyer replies that families, “Su -collices”, do not wish to express themselves. To date, only one complainant, Emmanuel Bourdin, 51, has told several media, notably to Parisian , what he criticizes for a Korian Ehpad.
At 86, Emmanuel Bourdin’s father became a resident of the Ehpad Mandoline, in Chatou (Yvelines), at the end of 2016. His son found him “systematically alone in front of his plate, in bed, while the doctors had Asked that he eats at the table and that he is accompanied so as not to have swallowing problems. (…) Given the lack of stimulation in nursing homes, at the exit, his condition had worsened “.
m. Bourdin recounts the lack of hygiene and care. “For a month, I placed a toothbrush and a shower gel in the same place in the bathroom and the tubes have never been moved. It therefore seemed that it was never showered.” The family decides While the octogenarian will return home, where he died, in 2019.
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