This survey is distinct from that opened in April which led this Wednesday to the search of the siege and the regional departments of Orpea.
Le Monde with AFP
An investigation, in particular for the abuse of corporate goods, was opened in mid-May following a complaint against X filed by Orpea after an internal investigation, the Nanterre prosecutor’s office said on Wednesday 8 June. by the France-Presse agency (AFP). This investigation is distinct from the one that led this Wednesday to the search of the siege and the regional departments of Orpea.
The complaint of Orpea, filed in April, aims, according to the company, “facts and past operations (…) likely to ask questions with regard to the social interest of Orpea and discovered following ‘Internal investigations “.
According to a Investigation of Mediapart and the Collective of Journalists Investigate Europe, published on May 18, the Luxembourg holding holding Lipany, created in 2007, “accumulated 92 million assets”, “mainly shares in Many nursing homes and clinics managed by Orpea “, in France and in three other European countries, and” conducted dubious financial operations “.
Lipany belongs, according to Mediapart, to Roberto Tribuno, an accountant and tax advisor who was the owner of Orpea in Italy. This holding company “does almost no benefit and has never distributed dividends”, and its activities are “entirely funded by debt” in a manner “,” said the investigation media. “The Orpea group itself suspects that operations carried out with the Luxembourg company would have been used to divert money,” said Mediapart. The survey was entrusted to the Versailles research section, the prosecution was released.
Several current surveys
Under the fire of criticisms since the publication, at the end of January, of the book Les Frevanturs, Orpea is also the subject of an investigation open in Nanterre, at the end of April, on suspicions of institutional mistreatment or financial offenses. In this context, the headquarters of Orpea and the group’s regional departments were searched on Wednesday. After the revelation of these searches, the Orpea action fell by more than 3 % on Wednesday on the Paris Stock Exchange.
Orpea is also the subject of a survey for “false and use of false and offense to the legislation on labor by abusively useing fixed -term contracts”. This survey was attached to that on ill -treatment for the elderly. Complaints have also been filed by residents or their loved ones.
Furthermore, the ex-director general of the group for more than ten years, Yves Le Masne, dismissed at the end of January, was heard in free hearing Tuesday as part of a survey opened by the National Prosecutor’s Office Financial for “initiate offense” concerning his resale of actions, shortly before the publication of Victor Castanet’s book.