The Super Sans-Plomb 95 reached 2.1012 euros per liter on average, between May 30 and June 5, and the Sans-Plomb 95-E10 increased to 2,0,660 euros. Dasos has also increased sharply without exceeding this symbolic threshold, at 1.9615 Euro per liter.
Le Monde with AFP
The prices of road fuels sold in France increased the week of May 30, the petrol ironing above the two euros mark, despite the rebate to the pump set up by the government, according to official figures Published Tuesday, June 7.
The Super Sans-Plomb 95 thus reached 2.1012 euros per liter on average, between May 30 and June 5, and the Sans-Plomb 95-E10 climbed to 2,0660 euros, according to figures from Ministry of Ecological Transition Order on Friday. These two types of fuel had not exceeded two euros, on average, since March. Dasus has also increased sharply but remained under this symbolic threshold, at 1.9615 euros per liter.
These high prices take into account the rebound of 18 cents on the liter set up by the government on the continent, while President Emmanuel Macron recently announced that she would be extended in August instead of ending at the end from July.
War in Ukraine and seasonal factors
Oil prices have been evolving at high levels since the invasion of Ukraine by the Russians and have recently experienced a new push with the progressive embargo announced by the European Union (EU). They were close to $ 120 a barrel, Tuesday.
The specific increase in the Sans-Plomb, which has become more expensive than diesel as is usually the case, also obeys seasonal factors. This fuel is, in fact, the most consumed in the United States, which are preparing for the summer season large travel by car (Driving Season).
“Since May, American actors have been buying more without a-back to be able to supply, to provide additional demand, and this has an impact by ricochet on the prices in Europe”, explained last week At the Agency France-Presse (AFP) Olivier Gantois, president of the UFIP Energies and Mobility, which brings together large petroleum groups in France.
In a context of high inflation, the government is preparing a more specific support system for “big rollers” at the start of the school year. “For those who make a lot of kilometers a day either to go to their work or in the context of their work”, a device “will be set up (…) at the start of the school year to [accompany them”, announced the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, Tuesday.