Dom Philips and Bruno Araujo Pereira have disappeared since Sunday morning. They led an expedition to the Javari valley, on the border with Peru.
It took emergency intervention on Monday, June 6 in the evening in Brazil, the Union’s public defense, linked to the Ministry of Justice, so that the federal police and the navy use helicopters and boats to search The English independent journalist Dom Phillips and the Brazilian anthropologist Bruno Araujo Pereira, who left for an expedition and disappeared since Sunday morning in the Javari valley, a region located in the northwest of the Brazilian Amazon, on the border with Peru. It is the Union of Indigenous Organizations of the Javari Valley (Univaja) which gave the alert on Sunday on their disappearance and which also used the public defense of the Union to launch research.
In his request, public defense immediately worried about “largely insufficient means of research. It is fundamental to emphasize that the Vale do Javari region is gigantic (8.5 million hectares), and that It is therefore necessary that the teams are immediately reinforced not only in people, but also in boats and helicopters “. The Navy and the Army should have been the first on the spot, given their presence in the region. In a laconic press release Monday evening, the Military Command of the Amazon had assured that it is able to “carry out a research mission”, but not have launched it yet, in the absence of order in this sense of ” the upper level “, provoking the misunderstanding and anger of the relatives of the missing.
All day on Monday, Brazilian journalists and several international colleagues from Dom Phillips – which writes for the English newspaper The Guardian and the Americans The New York Times and The Washington Post – launched a social networks campaign to ask It is up to the authorities to carry out research more seriously. “It is unacceptable that a whole day was lost due to the lack of commitment from the Brazilian authorities. Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips are somewhere in the Javari valley, but those who are really involved in research so far are the natives of the region, “tweeted journalist and writer Eliane Brum, who lives in Amazon and knows the region well. 2>” Really not a recommendable adventure ”
In the evening, the families of the missing also launched calls to the Brazilian authorities, notably Dom Phillips’ sister from England. His wife, Alessandra Sampaio, “implored the authorities to seek urgently [her] husband and her shipping partner. As I launch this call, they have disappeared for more than thirty hours in the Javari valley, L ‘One of the most conflicting regions of the Amazon. In the forest, every second account, every second can be a question of life or death “.
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