Several members of the executive went up to the front to denounce the words of the LFI leader, who said that the “police kills”, after the death of a woman following a control in Paris.
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All paths lead Place Beauvau at the start of the five -year term. After the security fiasco of the Champions League final at the Stade de France, on May 28, the police are again the target of criticisms following death, Saturday June 4, in Paris, A passenger of a car, shot in the head, after the supposed refusal to comply from the driver of the vehicle, himself seriously injured.
An additional news item after the indictment, a month and a half ago, for “voluntary homicide”, of a police officer suspected of having killed, at the end of April, in the capital, the driver and a passenger of a car that would have forced control. Facts which the leader of the new Ecological and Social People’s Popular Union (NUPPES), Jean-Luc Mélenchon, has taken over the legislative elections on June 12 and 19, turning on the wick of a virulent debate with the ‘Executive on the question of maintaining order.
“Police kills and the factious group alliance justifies shots and death for” refusal to comply “. When is the shame?” Asked the deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône, Monday, on Twitter , in a frontal attack against the police union Alliance, which announced in response the filing of a complaint.
If he defends himself from being “Antiflicle”, Mr. Mélenchon assumes to speak a “language that hears himself”, after having published a first tweet on the subject, gone unnoticed. “As it did not set anything, I set up. And I get what I want. That is to say, thousands of people intend to say that there is at least one person in this country, a political leader, who does not accept the evolution of the use of the police force as it is today defined by the political power that commands, “he said on Tuesday morning , on France Inter.
clever in a sluggish campaign
The operation is successful from a political point of view, since the government went up to the front to reply, at the time when the polls make macronists fear a simple majority relating to the outcome of the legislative elections, Due to the dynamics created by the Union of the Left. “The police, the gendarmes deserve respect. They do courageous, difficult work, and risk their lives at all times, replied the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. Insulting them dishonor those who want to govern. Let the investigations are investigations Do without using them as hostages of an electoral campaign. “
“I find very shocking the way Jean-Luc Mélenchon systematically attacking the police with completely outrageous remarks, added the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, Tuesday, on France Bleu. The police exercise A difficult mission at the service of the French (…). We cannot have like Mr. Mélenchon a presumption of guilt towards the police. “” Boundary, heartless technocratic prime minister, without human compassion, without republican principle On the public force, “replied the boss of France insoumise immediately. The Saturday shots investigation was entrusted to an investigating judge.
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