At the end of June, the executive intends to present a bill on the flagship subject of the Economic and Social Program of the Nuts. The union of the left remains unclear on what it will vote.
After the presidential campaign and that for the legislative elections, will purchasing power ignite the debates in the National Assembly? The inflation of energy and food prices remains at the heart of the concerns of the French. “The theme of purchasing power crushes everything, even more than during the presidential election,” confirms Brice Teinturier, Deputy Managing Director of Ipsos. It must be the subject of the first discussions of the new assembly, as soon as it is formed: the executive intends to present, on June 29, in the Council of Ministers a bill on purchasing power, at the same time as the Amending finance bill (PLFR). Extension of the price shield on gas and electricity, fuel delivery, increase in social minima, indexing of inflation pensions, thaw of the civil servant index … The two texts would be examined by the deputies in stride.
What promise animated debates between the presidential party and the new ecological and social popular union (Nuts), whose different formations are in common to place the subject at the heart of their proposals. The “shared program” of the NUPS plans to block the prices of basic necessities, a minimum wage at 1,500 euros net per month, an increase of 10 % of the civil servant index and an increase in pensions. But also a “dignity guarantee” so that no French live below the poverty line (1,063 euros for a single person), an autonomy allowance from 18 years old or a cap of rents.
Measures “realistic, encrypted and necessary”, as should argue, Tuesday, June 7 during a press conference, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the economists who participated in the development of the program. “We are predicted chaos [with this program], but chaos is already largely there, and we realize after forty years of neoliberalism that the market is not able to solve all the problems,” said Eric Berr, Lecturer at the University of Bordeaux and member of the “Parliament” of the Nuts. An allusion to the recent attacks by economist Philippe Aghion, supported by Emmanuel Macron during the 2017 campaign, which mocked, in mid-May in Les Echos, the “thinking-” of the economic proposals of the Nuts. Or to a note from the Think Tank Terra Nova, published in mid-May, which speaks of “predictable disaster”.
“The program of the Nuts is the explosion of unemployment, the return of relocations and the outbreak of public deficits”, deplores, for its part, the deputy Modem of Yvelines Jean-Noël Barrot. “Five years ago, we were taken for red danger. Today, our ideas are more and more in the majority: even the government speaks of ecological planning and relocation,” said the economist Aurélie found, lecturer to AgroParISTECH and president of the “Parliament” of the NUPPES.
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