Three police officers are interviewed by the IGPN in order to verify the conditions of use of their weapons on Saturday. The driver, seriously injured, is hospitalized. According to the police, the vehicle, fleeing, would have rushed on their crew.
A dead dead and injured. A police check turned to the drama, Saturday June 4, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. According to a police source, police have noticed a vehicle, in which one of the four occupants did not wear a seat belt. They would then have decided to carry out a check and the vehicle would have “fled at high speed” and “dark on a crew of bicycle police”. Several police officers would then have used their weapon, seriously injuring the driver and the passenger before, whose death was announced on Sunday evening. Some of the occupants of the vehicle would be known to the police and said they had consumed drugs and alcohol, advances a source close to the investigation.
Two investigations were opened, the Paris prosecutor’s office announced. The first, for “attempted homicide voluntary on a person depositary of the public authority”, was entrusted to the Parisian judicial police. In this context, the driver was briefly put in police custody on Monday, June 6, at the hospital, before the latter was lifted, the 38-year-old man not being “in a condition to be heard at this stage “.
In parallel, three police officers were placed on Sunday in police custody “due to the severity of the consequences of the shots made and in order to verify the conditions of use of their weapons by the interested parties,” said the prosecution . Hargered by IGPN as part of a second investigation for “violence which led to an ITT of more than eight days with a weapon by person depository of the public authority” and “violence which led to death without intention to give it By person depositary of the public authority “, their police custody was extended on Monday. 2>” target the vehicle rather than the driver ”
A month after the Pont-Neuf shooting affair, the event caused the anger of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who denounced on Twitter on Saturday a “death penalty for a refusal to comply” : “The prefect approves? The minister congratulates? The shame is when?” Continued the leader of France rebellious for a week of the first round of the legislative elections. “The police, the gendarmes deserve respect. They do a courageous, difficult job and risk their lives at all times. Insulting them dishonor those who want to govern. Let the investigations be done without using them as hostages of an electoral campaign” , replied the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin.
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