The CGT launched a national mobilization watchword for Friday, June 3, in the group’s nursing homes. A movement gone from Reims, in mid-May, and which extends.
From dawn, distribute the sets of breakfasts, butter the sandwiches, chain six to nine toilets, make the beds, clean in the rooms, wash the toilets and, if possible, serve at noon and evening, At the restaurant … don’t tell them that they are state-certified nursing assistants! They say they have lost “the meaning of their work” to become “Swiss knives”. In the absence of sufficient staff, “In the evening, we throw the residents in bed often to the tear! During the day, we speed them. Or else we do everything in their place. The little autonomy they have, suddenly We take them away! “They confide. By dint of “doing everything”, they ended up strike.
At the end of May, in Reims (Marne), the sky is low. A thermos of coffee, crisps, cakes to hold the seat until evening, plaids on the shoulders, they are a good fifteen employees in front of the door of the accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people (EHPAD) Saint -André who welcomes 98 residents. Nursing assistants, medico-psychological aid or simple life auxiliaries, they form a united team in this retirement home prized by good Champagne families. “We were the first in France to launch the movement. We are called the” yellow vests “of Orpea”, prides itself on the Zara Chiki steps, auxiliary of life with eleven years of house. Since their first strike on May 18, other group’s nursing homes have in turn stripped.
Friday, June 3, the CGT took over. For the first time, the power station launched a national watchword from the group’s 227 EHPAD. A good thirty establishments had to stop work. Unpublished in the history of Orpea.
“lost” leaders
The click dates back to May 17. In a chic hotel in the La Défense district, a stone’s throw from the Orpea headquarters, in Puteaux (Hauts-de-Seine). Jean-Christophe Romersi pressed that he was going to set fire to the powder. “There are mornings where I would prefer not to get up,” said the group’s general director of the group, before announcing to union representatives that the 14,000 employees of Orpea would not receive a profit -sharing bonus in 2022.
The suppression of the premium was inevitable, defends management. The social affairs and finance inspections established, in March, that diversion of public money had been orchestrated at the group’s headquarters, confirming the revelations of Victor Castanet, author of the Book Les Fossoyeurs (Fayard, 400 pages, 22.90 euros). The company is under the threat of having to repay the funded funds. The National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy is responsible for assessing at what height.
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