The project defended by the Head of State has similarities with the system in force in private education. And he has been defended for a long time by Jean-Michel Blanquer, whose ideas survive after his departure from the government.
What if the “school of the future” had not only Marseille for “laboratory”? By announcing, this Thursday, June 2, during a trip to the Marseille city, wanting to generalize throughout the territory the experiment of a “school of the future”, the head of state, Emmanuel Macron, and his minister as Education, Pap Ndiaye, placed the spotlight on the fifty Marseille schools already engaged in the adventure. And in particular on the Menpenti school, in the 10 e arrondissement, where the official delegation came to greet a project focused on mathematics.
Let voluntary schools innovate by funding their projects (around science but also culture, environment or languages) is not, at this stage, the only point that is debated within the community educational, quick to denounce the risk of “breaking of equality” and a “school at several speeds”. The controversy also relates to the idea, promoted by the President of the Republic, to let the directors choose their team (or at least a part) on “special requirement” positions, as Macron called them, this Thursday . A “deep change of model”, we feared among teachers, beyond union circles, where we denounce “liberal methods inspired by the business world”.
” Rethink the assignment mechanisms “
The fact remains that the idea of ”homemade recruitment” is not entirely new. In private education under contract with the State, directors and principals have a right of way on the composition of their team, and increased autonomy in the development of their project. “The school of the future is exactly our model”, reacted, Thursday, a head of the establishment of a Catholic high school in Marseille.
But in the audience? The project has been lying in the drawers on rue de Grenelle since the years Sarkozy. From the time he was director general of school education alongside Minister Luc Chatel, Jean-Michel Blanquer defended him for priority education. And even concretized, on a small scale: in 2011-2012, as part of the school program, colleges and high schools for ambition, innovation and success (ECLAIR), some 300 colleges and high schools thus saw their chief of Establishment Edit “post sheets”, make an opinion on applications, conduct job interviews … Posts found takers, many remained vacant.
This did not prevent Mr. Blanquer from taking up the idea in his programmatic book, the School of Tomorrow (Odile Jacob), signed in 2016, a year before his appointment to the Ministry of Education. “We must rethink the mechanisms of assignment and movement which constitute one of the major brakes to the transformation of the education system”, then argued, in a chapter on the “career of the teachers”, the one who was director of the ESSEC. A little further, he wrote: “As is the case for private education under contract, the competition could be a authorization to teach, recruitment being the responsibility of school heads who would publish calls for candidates in order to to provide needs. “This joins the idea of” profile “positions offered, each year, to recruitment by rectorates (in European classes, prep, etc.). Their number has “slightly increased” in ten years, wrote the Court of Auditors in 2017, judging the “underused tool”.
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