For his second five -year term, Emmanuel Macron wants to be less “Jupiter”

In an interview with several titles of the regional daily press, the Head of State has detailed his objectives. To realize them, he intends to rely on a “National Refoundation Council”, made up of elected officials, citizens and representatives of political, economic, social and sporting forces.


Emmanuel Macron is campaigning. Finally, will say his troops. But alone, the French will observe. One week before the first round of the legislative elections, on June 12, the head of state embarked on his second electoral battle, just as crucial for the fate he intends to forge. Very absent from the national scene since his victory of April 24, the tenant of the Elysée details the contours of what this new five -year period will be in an interview granted, Friday, June 3, to several titles of the regional daily press. After a trip to Cherbourg (Manche) three days earlier devoted to health and another in Marseille, the day before, where he sketched the “new method” which he intends to set up to reform education, the chief of The State reveals its project, giving, a month and a half after its re -election, the signal for the start of its second term.

Emmanuel Macron who, in 2017, promised the “Revolution” in the country, did not give up his ambition. But the head of state, who says he has learned “from a mandate punctuated by popular crises and revolt (” yellow vests “, pensions …), intends to change paradigm. The objective is unchanged but the form is no longer the same. The President of the Republic, describes such “Jupiter” deciding everything from the Elysée Palace, now intends to rely on “a national refoundation council” which would bring together “the political, economic, social, associative, of the elected officials of territories and citizens drawn by lot “.

This council would be responsible for defining the avenues to achieve its objectives – independence (industrial, military, food, etc.), full employment, carbon neutrality – and rethink public services to guarantee equality chances. Finally, he would also be entrusted with the mission of thinking “the democratic rebirth” thanks to an institutional reform.

“Paris must be at the service of the field”

Emmanuel Macron does not hesitate to draw a parallel with the National Council of Resistance. A proceeding which had brought the economic and social reforms of a demolitly and morally demolished country after the Second World War. “We live a comparable time. We are in a historical era which requires profoundly changing model, and then, war is there,” he says.

The body also recalls the “National Council of the Republic”, suggested by Jean-Louis Borloo, the former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy, in his text “the alarm”, made public before the first round of the presidential election. We can also see the inspiration of the “Chamber of the Future” recommended by the essayist David Djaïz in his work The new French model (Allary, 2021).

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/Media reports.