Martin Sotton, at the head of the town for five years, has been summoned for a plea-guilty procedure at the Villefranche-sur-Saône court on June 16. He does not intend to resign from his mandate in the stronghold of former Minister Michel Mercier.
A young mayor attracts minors placed in the home by justice to his home, gets drunk with them, lets them drive his car, while letting the scene film. The case raises questions about the protection of minors, as much as on the criminal issue of the presumption of innocence, compared to the public mandate. Mayor (Modem) of the commune of Thizy-les-Bourgs (Rhône), electoral fief of the former Keeper of the Seals Michel Mercier, Martin Sotton, 33, is prosecuted before the Criminal Court of Villefranche-sur-Saône for “Provocation Direct of minors for excessive alcohol consumption “and” complicity in driving a vehicle without a license “. The former parliamentary assistant of the former senator and Minister of Justice is summoned for an appearance on prior recognition of guilt (CRPC), June 16.
The behavior of the elected official was revealed in February by a 16 -year -old teenager, heard by his educators for behavioral disorders. On this occasion, the minor claims that he “stuffed himself at the home of the mayor of the village”, with two others of his comrades, on the evening of December 25, 2021, according to the interview report. He shows two short videos recorded on his phone. The educators see two adults in a state of drunkenness with the three adolescents, many bottles on a table. They have the stupor to recognize the mayor of Thizy-les-Bourgs, commune of 6,000 inhabitants west of the Rhône.
The educators knew that the councilor had known the parents of the orphan minor and a pupil of the nation, which he often took from his news, and that the adolescent could play this relationship to assert himself. This time, the teenager admits his embarrassment. He complains about the moved insistence of the elected official, of a few gestures with sexual connotation, like a hand on the thigh or a slightly insistent embrace. He claims that the mayor was too drunk to bring them back, and that one of the three minors led the car “at full speed to return to the home. He specifies that on the return, he had to call the gendarmes because the mayor was unable to drive. What the investigators checked.
Other surprises
Near Thizy, the three -boards household houses minors placed for childhood social assistance (ASE) or the judicial protection of youth (PJJ). Management points out the facts to justice, under an article 40, forcing any civil servant to share the prosecutor with an alleged offense, noted in the exercise of his functions. “I was extremely shocked”, testifies to the investigators an educator, for whom this type of scrambling of benchmarks is “difficult to catch up at the educational level”.
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