“Nemo Auditur Propriam Turpitudinem Algans” (No one can take advantage of its own turpitude): this adage, well known to law students, does not demoded and should be fiercely opposed. Recall that you have decided, Mr. President, to make the cause of women the great cause of the five -year term. For the second time. After all, when you failed, why not try again. Either.
But what to say when, by virtue of the unworthy doctrine of the “not seen, not taken”, you decide, with the consent of the first woman named Prime Minister in thirty years, to associate two ministers notoriously with her government referred to by accusations of rape?
Thus, at the height of cynicism, you take refuge behind the classification without follow -up or the current instruction to name, maintain, promote Gérald Darmanin and Damien Abad, while it is precisely the indigence of the means granted by the ‘State to the police, magistrates and institutions responsible for instructing, pursuing and condemning in decent deadlines the sexual assault and rape of which so many women are victims, who protect the (alleged) attackers and rapists.
cruel lack of means
It is estimated that around 94,000 rapes and attempted rapes committed on major women per year in France. Almost 10 % of victims file a complaint; Only 10 % of these complaints lead to a conviction. From the analysis of these figures, two possible, but antagonistic interpretations. The first, absurd, and above all, insulting with regard to women who find the courage to speak and file a complaint, would consist in considering that 90 % of the women who file complaints or exaggerate.
The second, realistic, and above all, disturbing with regard to the number of complaints actually filed, necessarily leads to estimating that the fight against sexual violence is sorely lacking in means, not only economic, but also human and legal.
The truth, Mr. President, is that these countless rankings without follow -up are all new violence inflicted on the victims who have the courage to seize justice. The truth, Mr. President, is that the legal and political response is not up to the stake. The truth, Mr. President, is that despite your “big cause of the five -year term” no major plan has been adopted to stem this scourge.
on the definition of the word “consent”
In France, today, the word “consent” does not appear in the definition of rape, and the absence of consent is not enough to characterize rape. Many complaints are classified before a serious investigation was carried out, contenting itself with the “word against speech” as if it were fatality.
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