Issue Distrobox 1.3, tools for invested distributions of distributions

I saw the light tools Distrobox 1.3 , which allows you to quickly install and run any Linux distribution in a container and ensure its integration with the main system. The project code is written on Shell and distributed under the license GPLV3. Simplification of work and setting up the integration of a neglected environment with the rest of the system. To create an environment with another distribution, it is enough to execute one Distrobox-Create command without thinking about subtleties. After the launch, Distrobox provides a carpet of the user’s home catalog to the container, sets access to the X11 and Wayland server to execute graphic applications from the container, allows you to connect external drives, adds sound output, integrates at the level of SSH-agent, d-Bus and UDEV.

As a result, the user can fully work in another distribution without leaving the main system. Distrobox declares the possibility of using 16 distributions , including Alpine, Manjaro, Gentoos, Endlassoso, Endlasso-EndoSs. NIXOS, VOID, Arch, Suse, Ubuntu, Debian, Rhel and Fedora. The container can be launched any distribution for which there are images in OCI format.

From the main areas of application, experiments with atomic updated distributions, such as Endless OS, Fedora Silverblue, Opensuse Microos and Steamos3, create separate isolated environment (for example, to launch home configuration on a working laptop). experimental branches of distributions.

The Distrobox-Host-Exec command was added in the new issue to launch commands from the container surrounded by a host system. Added support for Microdnf tools. Support for containers working with Rootful rights has been implemented. Expanding distribution support (Fedora-Toolbox 36, Opensuse 15.4-Beta, Almalinux 9, Gentoo, OSTREE systems). Improved integration with a systemic environment, for example, implemented synchronization of the clock settings, DNS and/etc/hosts.

/Media reports.