The Minister of Ecological Transition is again a candidate in the 6th district, whom she had conquered in 2017. Her opponents do not fail to recall that she has moved away from the department, entering the government in 2019.
Arrival at the garage sale organized by the Maison des Jeunes and the Culture of Morangis (Essonne), Sunday, May 29, in the middle of the morning, Amélie de Montchalin begins the tour of the stands. There are about fifty, offering, on improvised stalls, old toys, trinkets that ended up tired or old -fashioned clothes. The Minister and candidate La République en Marche (LRM) did not make 20 meters that she falls on an angry retiree. “I earn 1,000 euros per month. I can’t live,” said Albert. “This is why we want to raise the minimum,” replied the candidate for the legislative elections. “You will not do it, cut the man, annoyed. Like all those who are today in the head [of the country]. They have been doing nothing for years.”
“La Tête”, M Me of Montchalin is one of them. Elected deputy in the 6 e district of Essonne in 2017 with 61.34 % of the votes, entering the government in 2019, she has just been promoted in fifth place in the government of Elisabeth Borne . To take care, moreover, of a crucial file: the ecological transition. Without dismantling Albert’s anger, she reminds him that his pension will be revalued by 4 % in July. “You will see the difference, she smiles.
– Forty euros per month?, The retiree strangles. It doesn’t even pay my gasoline… Are you happy with 40 euros per month?
– I am not happy, retorts Amélie de Montchalin, who ensures that the minimum will then be increased to 1,100 euros.
– I don’t believe you, “says Albert, turning his heels.
” anchored in a territory “
The end of the month and the end of the world. In this legislative campaign, the Minister of Ecological Transition is working on a crest line. The stake is decisive for her: M Me of Montchalin is one of the 15 ministers (out of 28) who play leaving or doubles their appointment to government. Those who lose June 12 or 19 will have to resign.
Some voters sympathize, moreover, welcoming the candidate with heat. A cross-passer-up later in the spans of the Chilly-Mazarin market is worried about her: “If you lose, you will no longer be minister, it is tough,” he says, before the ‘Ensure his vote. Amélie de Montchalin thanks him: “If I am in government, it is because I was a good deputy. And if I was a good deputy, it is thanks to your confidence.”
Being “anchored in a territory” is his credo. Because this helps maintain “the link between the national project and local life” and that “the role of a deputy is to make an elevator,” she says. On her campaign leaflet, she has listed “six fights” for Essonne, which are all priorities for the government: among others, purchasing power, health, ecology and security. By strolling in the garage sale of Morangis, it adapts to the concerns of onlookers.
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