Candidate for the legislative elections in Paris, the former LRM group president in the National Assembly defends himself from all harassment, qualifying these suspicions as “rumor” having already been the subject of “necessary verifications”.
Two weeks after “the Abad affair”, another member of the majority, Gilles Le Gendre, the former president of the group La République en Marche (LRM) in the National Assembly, is found at the heart of serious allegations . Originally, a report to the public prosecutor, which comes straight from the mayor Les Républicains (LR) of 7
The former Keeper of the Seals is based in particular on a press release dated February 27, 2020 in which seven trade union organizations of parliamentary collaborators (CFE-CGC, CFTC, CGT, CFDT, SNCP, Solidaires and UNSA ) denounced the “false allegations” of Mr. Le Gendre, after his declarations on France Inter on the same day, where he had affirmed “not to have knowledge of specific cases of moral and sexual harassment in the National Assembly”. And this, while these organizations had informed him of “such crimes with at least one member of the group he presided”.
Rachida Dati also invokes an article from Mediapart, still dated February 27, 2020, where it can be read that Mr. Gendre “can only ignore [only] LRM deputies are accused of sexual harassment per sexual harassment per sexual harassment per sexual harassment per sexual harassment ex-collaborators. cases that cannot be foreigners as president of the group “.
Furthermore, she directly challenges Mr. Gendre, stressing that he would have himself been the author of “inappropriate behavior” with regard to at least one parliamentary collaborator. She supports her argument, again, on another article from Mediapart dated May 25, 2022 where it is a question of an interview between Richard Ferrand, then president of the LRM group, and a parliamentary collaborator, who reports ” And inappropriate likely to receive, under the appreciation of the prosecution and the courts, a criminal qualification “, on the part of an elected official who would be none other than Gilles Le Gendre, according to the mayor of 7
“A channel campaign”
Still in the same vein, Rachida Dati mentions, in his letter to the Public Prosecutor, a Facebook message of May 29, 2022, of the ex-deputy LRM Joachim Son-Forget who accused Mr. Gendre “d ‘ Be suspected of sexual abuse “, according to testimonies” directly reported by the alleged victims, collaborators and activists of the group and the party “. Mr. Son-Forget also maintains that these accusations would have been “stifled by giving positions to those who were to be silent, and by changing the leader of the deputies on the move”.
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