Suspicion of cheating and lack of surveillance during joint competition of large business schools

The Association of Economic and Commercial Preparation Classes Professors went back to the Directorate of Admissions and Competitions (DAC), Monday, a dozen problematic situations in several examination centers of the BCE competition.


What happened during the entrance exam to the most prestigious business schools? The testimonies are multiplying, to denounce a cheating on the part of many candidates and a laxity of the supervisors in a dozen examination centers, according to our information.

A situation that prompted the association of teachers of economic and commercial preparation classes, the APHEC, to send, Monday, May 30, a letter to the Directorate of Admissions and Competitions (DAC) – which depends on the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Paris Ile-de-France-reporting, on date, at least ten problematic situations. “We are awaiting an official reaction before expressing ourselves,” reports his president Alain Joyeux, who does not wish to bring more details.

From May 4 to 13, after two years of preparation class, nearly 10,000 candidates worked on dozens of written tests to try to climb among the eligible for orals and finish among the 5,600 admitted. The Common Bank of tests (ECB) is a competition common to 19 schools, the most famous of which is such as HEC, ESSEC, EDHEC, ESCP or GEM. In 2021, according to the DAC, 112,200 copies from 63 competition centers had been compiled, the operation mobilizing a total of 2,000 designers, correctors, examiners, center leaders, supervisors.

Alerted by students at the end of the tests, Antoine Crouzet, professor in Paris, immediately transmitted the information to his colleagues from the Aphec. “It goes from small problems not too serious but which should never have existed, such as the lack of identity verification, up to supervisors who are absent, leaving the candidates for long minutes, relates- He is added a recurring cheat of candidates who made up with their phone on their knees or with draft sheets already prepared in advance. “

rupture of equity between candidates

In Saint-Etienne, Paris, Toulouse, Versailles but also Lyon, Nantes, Rennes or Reims and Marseille and in a examination center in Morocco, the same situations are reported, according to our information. “We had our bags at our feet, with the possibility of catching things in without real surveillance,” said Marc (all the names of the candidates have been modified).

“During all the tests, nobody watched that we stopped writing when the event was over. Some wrote or still number their pages 15 minutes after the end of the EDHEC maths test While we started well at 8 am right, “describes Sacha. “There were many candidates to use their phone less than a minute from the start of the event, even when the subjects were distributed, adds Anna. A candidate present next to me was able to read the subject of Economie Sociology History of the ESCP through the sheet and quickly reread the course concerned on his laptop, of course without any supervisor paying attention or saying nothing … “

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