On 48 police custody, only six men aged 21 to 39 were returned to the criminal court, Tuesday, May 31, for phones, a watch or a necklace near the stadium, During the Champions League final.
and there were only six left. On the hundred arrests announced after the chaos around the Stade de France, Saturday May 28, the 48 police custody counted on Monday morning, the “hordes of cities” pointed … remain these six men aged 21 to 39, Who parade Tuesday, May 31, in immediate appearance before the Bobigny Criminal Court, for phone flights, a watch or a snatch necklace near the Stade de France. “All other police custody have been lifted,” said the prosecution.
Osama K. is the first to be sentenced during this overloaded audience afternoon. Yellow mask under the chin, curly hair, he tells this evening during which he tried to enter the stadium, without ticket, to attend the final of the Champions League. Once, twice, three times. Without success. And leaving after the match, on the crowded quays of line 13 of the metro, he is getting his hands in the pocket of an English supporter. He will be arrested a few seconds later, after throwing the English phone on the ground.
Osama K. is 24 years old and lives between a tent under a bridge and a sublet room from time to time, when his Ubereats deliveries allow him to win a few days warm. He is paperless, so to be able to work, he again subles an account on the platform for 100 euros per month. “The exceptional advantages of the start-up nation”, slips his lawyer, Loïc Le Quellec. His client, who can neither read nor write, recently swapped his scooter for a bike and a few tickets. Each month, he sends a hundred euros to his mother and his four brothers and sisters, stayed in Algeria.
A little over a year ago, Osama K. arrived in France by boat, because he loved Paris, that he imagined finding a job and his family ate only one meal per day in Algeria. The translator translates his petition into Arabic: “Give me any pain, but not the prison.” He promises to “leave France”, that we will not resume him to do that. Her locker was a virgin so far. “Anyway, you will get out of France because you are obliged,” said the president of the court, by pronouncing four letters recently added to her file by the prefecture: “OQTF”, for obligation to leave French territory.
A case with “international dimension”
The prosecutor rises to evoke a “disturbance to the public order which goes beyond the framework of the hearing”, the “particular context” and the “international dimension” of the case. She requires ten months in prison with a warrant. The room holds its breath. Ten months firm with immediate departure in prison for a telephone flight by a first -hand, the defense lawyer is amazed. But since we have to talk about the “context”, M e the which is not asked: “In this case, in this case, take into account in the context the declarations of the Ministry of the Interior: So it would first be the fault of the English supporters and then the fault of those? Maybe history could be a little more nuanced? “
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