Issue Nomenus-Rex 0.4.0, utilities for mass rename files

A new version of the console utility is available. nomenus-rex , intended for mass rename files. The program is written in C ++ and extends to the GPLV3 license. Rules for renaming are configured using a configuration file. For example:

source_dir = “/ home / user / work / source”; destination_dir = “/ home / user / work / destination”; keep_dir_structure = false; Copy_or_Rename = “Copy”; Rules = ({type = “date”; Date_format = “% y-% m-% d”;}, {type = “text”; Text = “_”;}, {type = “dir”; // Mode = “Whole Path” | “Parent Dir Only” mode = “Whole Path”; separator = “-“;}, {type = “text”; text = “_”;}, {type = “integer”; // Mode = “Global” | “Local AT EVERY DIR” MODE = “LOCAL AT EVERY DIR”; start = 0; step = 1; padding = 5;}, {type = “extension”; // Leave the “ext” variable Empty to Use An Original Extension Ext = “”; // Mode = “LowerCase” | “UpperCase” | “sic”; mode = “LowerCase”;});

When using the specified utility settings renamed file “/ Home / User / Work / Source / testdir2 / file2.txt “in” /home/user/work/destination/2022-03-16_testdir2_0.txt “. The utility also knows how to work with home and xDG_config_home directors (where you are looking for a configuration file if it does not specify a complete one) and understands the abbreviation “~” to appeal to the home directory.

Changes in the new version:

  • Added a new kind of “rules”, which takes the current in-deployed name as the parameter. This allowed to add a REPLACE rule that replaces all the entry of the substring to the new line.
  • Now file names are sorted by alphabetically before processing. Previously, the files were processed in the order in which the file system was given. In the next version, this compatibility will be managed by the user.
  • several reworked documentation, which made it more comfortable.
  • Internal Changes in the code (Start creating tests and a new template function for reading enum variables from the configuration file) which are designed to simplify the addition of new rules and reduce the number of new errors.
/Media reports.