At the presentation of this report pointing with serious dysfunctions, the Ministry of Solidarity and Health had decided not to make it public, invoking the “Secret of Business”.
Le Monde with AFP
“Insufficient” food, “insince” financial documents, budget surpluses released on public endowments: the government has finally published Tuesday, April 5, the Administrative Investigation Report He ordered in February on ORPEA and which points to serious dysfunctions within the private group of EHPAD.
The report, more than 500 pages, is available “in full transparency” on the website of Ministry of health and solidarity , where it is “accessible to all”, argued on Twitter Delegate Minister responsible for the autonomy of the elderly, Brigitte Bourguignon. “Doubt has no place in this case,” said the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, who had entrusted this investigation into the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) and that of Social Affairs (IGAS) for To shed light on facts denounced by Journalist Victor Castanet in his book the graves.
The Government had announced on March 26, which it seized justice on the basis of the conclusions of this report and that it intended to require Orpea the reimbursement of alleged public endowments diverted from their ends.
But he had retrench behind the “secret of business” to refuse first time to make public the report itself. For their part, ORPEA leaders had appropriated the publication of the document. Finally, passages from the published version Tuesday are expeditious of certain financial amounts.
20 million euros of surplus
According to IGAS and IGF inspectors, the “pilotage” of the Orpea group institutions, often overopens, “gives priority to financial performance” rather than quality criteria. In terms of feeding, the “Grammages” meals served at seniors are “substantially and systematically insufficient”.
Accountingly, “the mandatory financial documents transmitted to guardianship by EHPAD are insincere and present non-regulatory charges of charges on care and dependence packages”.
Over the period 2017-2020, ORPEA has thus generated 20 million euros of surplus on the provisions paid by the public authorities to take care of the care and dependence of its elderly residents.
In addition, over the same period, the company has irregulated the care package, paid by public money, more than 50 million euros of expenditure.