A ten-year firm prison sentence was required on Monday against the Marseille Lionel Guedj and five-year dentist, including one suspended against his father, Jean-Claude.
Le Monde with AFP
They are judged to have mutilated hundreds of their patients in popular neighborhoods. A maximum sentence of ten years in prison was required on Monday, April 4 against the Marseille Lionel Guedj and five years old, including one with reprieve, against his father, Jean-Claude.
The Crown required the mandate of filing against the two defendants and requested that it is also imposed a fine of € 375,000 for Lionel Gedej, 41 years, as well as the seizure of the building in which it resides, and A fine of 150,000 euros for Jean-Claude, his father, 70 years old.
Since six weeks, the two dentists have been judged before the Marseille Correctional Court to have been enriched on the back of health insurance and mutuals by achieving maximum dental prostheses on patients who had No need, after having devitalized them healthy teeth, mutilating some of them for themselves.
An “Not standard in view of the number of victims” – 322 consisted of civilians – and the “sordidity” of the facts “to the Assize Court Airs”, noted the public prosecutor.
“insatiable greed”
abscesses, cysts, unbearable pain, black mouth, bad breath, prostheses that do not hold: the victims have told the bar the consequences of the operations practiced by this dental cabinet who had settled in 2005 in a poor neighborhood of the north of the second city of France.
In the face of these testimonials, the public prosecutor has said that he has seen “cold, inaccessible, exempt from remorse” and not have succeeded “to perceive sincere empathy”: “to the last pleadings of the civil parties, They will continue to look up at heaven, “the Prosecutor Michel Sastre reported during his indictment at the forefront of the trial.
He also denounced “the insolence” of the defendants, who have continued to “minimize their responsibility and the magnitude of the disaster” over the hearings. And the magistrate to recall the “shame” of some victims, “their guilt” of having made himself, one of them even explaining having had the feeling “to be violated”.
“You must apprehend a system put in place, thought, planned. They want to make believe that they have made therapeutic choices”, but it is an organization “to make a maximum of money in a minimum Time, with insatiable greed, “at which they adored, insisted Mr. Sastre. His sister, Marion Chabot, brought up, evoking “the industrial policy” put in place by the Guedj son and father and their “methodical, cynical and perfidious plan”.