Cassidy Blade (Cassidy Blade), a co-founder of the Elementary OS distribution room, announced On the termination of participation in the project. From 2018, Cassidy Gija worked worked in the development of Elementary OS in full working day. Initially, in connection with financial problems, Elementary Inc, Cassidy wanted to employ about a new job to free up resources that were spent on a salary for him, and continue participation in the life of Elementary OS in its free time. But because of the conflict with another co-founder, ultimately, Cassidy decided to completely leave the project. Elementary Inc Cassidy passed by Daniele Forel (Danielle Foré), which is now the sole owner. Terms of the transaction are not reported. After leaving the Cassidy project intends to devote his activities in the GNOME, Flatpak and Flathub community.
From Elementary OS project, one of founders went
/Media reports.