Shanghai: 4,600 French private to vote in presidential election by confinement

The measures taken to stem the propagation of COVID-19 in the largest city in China prevent the opening of polling stations, Sunday, April 10, for the 4,622 French nationals registered on the electoral lists.


The French Embassy in China has formalized Friday, April 8 in the morning: The French inhabitant Shanghai, fully confined metropolis, will not be able to vote for the first round of the presidential election, Sunday 10 April. “Due to these exceptional circumstances that are the official impossibility of moving and the consequences of our compatriots because of the measures taken by the local authorities, and after consultation of the Constitutional Council, it was decided not to open Shanghai polls for the first round of the presidential election, “the embassy announced in a statement sent to voters. They are 4,622 French registered on the electoral lists that are thus deprived of their right to vote.

“I am frustrated: I have the impression that in China, I am taken at the same time my freedom of movement and thought. After, I find that ways to vote for referendums and elections are obsolete In 2022, at the digital time, “Regrets Jason Vanmaele, Greenwire Commercial Director, a solar panel supply company, installed in Shanghai for four years. After weeks trying to control a home of Omicron Variant with targeted measures, the Chinese authorities have decided to confine the entire city at the end of March. In these circumstances, the holding of an election is impossible, since the voters, and the staff of the consulate in charge of the organization of the poll, all prohibited from home.

Only “essential” workers are allowed to circulate: volunteers, police and some deliverymen. The Chinese authorities have not been exceptional for the holding of a democratic election. “Repeated approaches were made to the authorities, including high level, to allow, on the one hand, the opening authorization of the polling stations and, on the other hand, an exceptional exit authorization for the voters and members of the voting offices and confined assessors. Unfortunately, it was answered by the authorities of Shanghai on April 7 that “given the serious and complicated situation (…), it is objectively impossible to fulfill the conditions for the Organization by your election consulate, for the safety of all persons residing in Shanghai, “said the Embassy of France.

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The impossibility of voting is added to a listening list of difficulties for the inhabitants: “I would say it’s a problem, but there are others a little more urgent: the Access to food, medical emergencies … Pointe Hugues Martin, Heritage Advisor and “Head of Island” in West Shanghai, a local relay position to assist French nationals. We are not so many, so that does not Should not change the result of the election, but I hope especially that we can at least vote in the second round. “The option of proxy vote is not possible, since the newsletter must be deposited in the same office only that of the registrant. Unlike some countries, France does not authorize online voting or by correspondence.

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