After new attack of Tel Aviv, Raid of Israeli army in Palestinian camp of Jenin

A Palestinian was killed and other wounded in exchange of shots during an operation of the Israeli army in Jenin, from which originates the author of the deadly attack on Thursday, to Tel- Aviv.

Le Monde and AFP

The raid occurs in a context of recrudescence of tensions between Israel and Palestine. A Palestinian was killed and other injuries, Saturday, April 9, in exchange of shots during an operation of the current Israeli army in the Palestinian camp of Jenin, from which originates the author of the Deadly attack Thursday in Tel Aviv, reported the army and a Palestinian ministry.

“A young man was killed by Israeli bullets in Jenin and there are at least five wounded,” said the Palestinian Ministry of Health, while the Israeli army confirmed at the France-Presse Agency (AFP) Currently conduct an operation in the camp, considered one of the main bastions of Palestinian armed factions in the West Bank.

The Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, had given white card Friday to the security forces to “overcome” a new wave of “terror” in Israel, after the armed attack, Thursday evening, in the center of Tel-Aviv , which made three dead, all Israeli, and a dozen wounded.

Following a man hunting in the streets of the Israeli metropolis, the security forces have located and shot in an exchanging the assailant, Raed Hazem, 28 years old. A Palestinian “without affiliation known” to an armed faction, according to Israeli intelligence, and from Jenin in the West Bank, Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967.

Jenin, city in the heart of the second intifada

After the attack who killed five people last week in Bnei Brak, Ultraurthodox Jewish city in the suburbs of Tel Aviv, the Israeli army conducted an operation in the Jenin sector, from which was also originally from Assailant.

At least three combatants of the Islamic Jihad, the main Palestinian armed Islamist movement after Hamas, were killed in exchange of shots in this densely populated camp, which had been at the heart of the clashes during the second Intifada, Palestinian uprising from the beginning 2000s.

Twenty years ago, after anti-Israeli deadly attacks, the army had launched a large-scale offensive in Jenin, during which 53 Palestinians, civilians for more than half, and 23 Israeli soldiers had been killed for ten days of intense fighting.

/Media reports.