The candidate of the new anticapitalist party has taken a campaign to make his ideas heard and promote, for the post-presidential, a real consultation between the left-wing forces.
Unique among the twelve presidential election candidates, Philippe Poutou could not rejoice himself for bringing together the 500 sponsorships of elected officials to participate in the ballot. It was the President of the Constitutional Council, Laurent Fabius, who formalized, Monday, March 7, that the Bordeaux municipal councilor had narrowly had the obstacle of the presentations and was able to carry out his term campaign. Sunday, April 10, the candidate of the new anticapitalist party (NPA) has gathered 0.7% of the votes in the first round.
For the Trotskyist activist, it is a lower score to its 2017 applications (1.1% of votes) and 2012 (1.2%) when he had succeeded Olivier Besancenot as a party candidate Heir to the Revolutionary Communist League (LCR). “We have the feeling of still realizing a feat by passing through the mesh of an undemocratic net,” had commented on Mr. Poutou, pleased with having obtained 593 sponsorships, including that of the candidate of France unsuitable, Jean-Luc Mélenchon.
“If there is not the presidential election, we do not hear ourselves”
Since its entry into campaign, in style also adopted by the other candidate Trotskyist, Nathalie Arthaud, the former CGT delegate has hammered his anticapitalist argument, without real presidential ambition but with the firm intention to visibilize his current Politics on the far left. “We, we play the criticism of the system. We are here to make ideas heard that we never hear, explained Philippe Poutou on public Senate, on April 4th. If there is not the presidential election, we do not we do not hear. “On March 21, he was present at the top of the procession mobilized to attend the funeral of Alain Krivine, founder of the CLP and historical figure of the radical left, himself candidate for the presidential election in 1969 and In 1974.
As in the 2017 campaign, the former employee of the Ford Ford of Blanquefort, in Gironde, of which he was fired in 2019, was noted by his virulent projections against his competitors and the government. “Are you talking about the fascist, racist, accused of sexual assault?” He launches to Lea Salamé, when the journalist of France 2 announces the arrival of the extreme right candidate Eric Zemmour on the plateau of the show “Elysée 2022”. “The police kills, obviously the police kill,” he also said in October 2021, which had earned him a complaint by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, following which he had been summoned by the National Police in March.
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